Filling Out Forms

OK, let's move on to forms!

Many times when using a computer, we are required to submit information in the form of text.  Writing an Email message is one example of entering text.  Sometimes on the Internet we will find it necessary to fill out a form. Below is an example of a form. 

Sample Form

First Name:  Follow these easy steps to fill out the form:
  1. Place the mouse cursor inside the textbox labeled "First Name."  Once the cursor changes to an I-bar, click the left mouse button and a typing cursor will appear in the textbox.
  1. Type your first name.  For capital letters, hold down the <Shift> key on the keyboard and press the desired letter.
  1. To get to the textbox labeled "Last Name," press the <Tab> key once on the left side of the keyboard.  The typing cursor should now be in that textbox.  Type your last name, using the <Shift> key as needed.
Last Name: 

  1. To get to the textbox labeled "Address", press the <Tab> key.  First, type your street address.  At the end of the first line, press the <Enter> key to go down to the next line.  Now, type your city, state, and zip code.
  1. Use the mouse to make selections for the questions asked beneath the Address textbox.
Do you like to read?    Yes         No
If so, indicate which of the following genre you enjoy reading:
Nonfiction       Romance       Mystery
Science Fiction       Other 


  1. Click on the button labeled "Reset" to clear the form.

Good so far....... Let's continue.


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